It's not all lost. In the face of expulsion from what is typically disseminated by mass media to be the benchmark for African markets, I not only feel regretful but I also empathize with every stakeholder of Zimbabwean Stock Exchange.
Whilst we are still at it, we have an intelligent platforms like C Trade; an innovation developed to promote participation in financial and capital markets, through mobile and internet based platforms. This service is available to everyone and its time we break down network effect to our level and have Zimbabweans not leaving building of wealth through financial markets only to a few individuals, its time Zimbabweans take interest in ZSE and C Trade is the golden key. This is not a substitute of being part of S&P All African Indices but atleast it will kill two birds with one stone; teach Zimbabweans investing education and keep the market liquid.
In conclusion, this should be seen as the opportunity to rope in everyone for the benefit of the market, the economy and for locals too. In the face of harsh economy where inflation eats away savings, people can increase their earning power through stock exchange.
-------- The Prestige Group Network
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